Condensed Notes are notes/study guides intended to help students review different subjects. Click on a subject below to explore the notes available for that subject.


Molecular Geometry: table of electron arrangements, molecular geometries, and VSEPR diagrams.
General Chemistry for Engineers: compiled notes for General Chemistry. Includes information about the structure of atoms, the wave nature of electrons and photons, electron orbitals and quantum numbers, ions, periodic trends, and bonding. Based on ENGR 1A at UCI with Professor Hochbaum. Possible updates in future to include orbital graphs and, in general, more graphics.

Calculus I, II, and III

Limit Laws: limit laws and helpful shortcuts in AP Calculus AB. Based on AP Calculus AB at IPoly HS with Mr. Estrada.
Derivative Rules: derivative rules and special derivatives. Based on AP Calculus AB at IPoly HS with Mr. Estrada.
Integral Formulas: collection of basically random formulas; for use in Calculus II.
Tests for Divergence: list of tests for divergence of infinite sums; for use in Calculus II. Based on MAT 1150 at Cal Poly Pomona with Professor Hale.

Other Math

Trigonometry – Rules, Theorems, and Identities: list of relevant trigonometric identities and theorems, as well as equations for angular momentum and velocity; for use in Precalculus.
Set Notation: list of common symbols and sets from Discrete Mathematics.
Stats Equations: collection of equations used in Elementary Statistics. Based on MATH 110 at Mt. SAC with Mr. Pachas.